Bitcoin wallet online and offline : If you wish to create a Bitcoin wallet, this article will help you. You can read the article below if you’re completely new to Bitcoin.

Read More>> what is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Let’s come to the point, this article is totally dedicated to a bitcoin wallet, and how you can make your bitcoin wallet.

Table of Content:

Bitcoin Wallet: Before we start, let me explain very briefly what a Bitcoin wallet is.

A Bitcoin wallet is the account where you store your Bitcoins ( and maybe some other Cryptocurrencies).

How Bitcoin wallets send and receive Bitcoin?

Your Bitcoin wallet wouldn’t have any name/address or other personally identifiable information .It’s just a string of random alphabet and numbers.

You can simply share this address with other users to receive Bitcoins. In other words, Bitcoin wallets send and receive funds using these wallet addresses. These are universally compatible. Meaning,  regardless of which website, wallet, or exchange “user A” creates his Bitcoin wallet with, everyone else can always send him/her Bitcoins.

For example: My Bitcoin wallet address is 19HQGzzDByBxSUzQG92qk8JoSTNeWVTBV6

You’re probably wondering how to create your Bitcoin wallet and get this address?  Well, the process is as simple as creating a new E-mail ID or a social media account, maybe even simpler. I’ve explained it below with screenshots!

I want to tell you one more thing.

These days many organization provides bitcoin wallet service (online or offline), but here I want to suggest you Blockchain wallet (Online) and Bitcoin official wallet(offline). Both are trusted platform, and millions of users use both platforms.

Inside this article, I am sharing the process to create both the types of wallets.

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Just a piece of caution though, a Bitcoin wallet and a Bitcoin exchange aren’t the same. Sure, you can create Bitcoin wallets using exchanges as well. However, they’re less secure. On the other hand, you can instantly change your Bitcoins for other cryptocurrencies on exchanges but that’s not possible on non-exchange wallets.

If you’re someone who’d trade very frequently, you should check these best Bitcoin trading platforms . Else, continue on this piece to create your secure Bitcoin wallet today.